
"Honky Tonk Blues"

"You Crack Me Up"

"If This Is It"

"Finally Found a Home"

"Walking on a Thin Line"

"I Want a New Drug"

"Bad Is Bad"

"Heart and Soul"

"The Heart of Rock & Roll"

"Young at Heart"

"Surfin' Tragedy"


"Umbassa and the Dragon"

"Kinko the Clown"

"Boogie Woogie Amputee"

"I Wanna Be Your Dog"



"Kazooed on Klassics"

"I Like" (Heathen Dan"

"I Want My Baby Back"

"Big Girls Don't Cry"

"The Crusher"

"Through Our Love"

"Tug of Peace"

"Hey Hey" (Paul McCartney)

"Average Person"

"Sweetest Little Show"

"The Man" (McCartney & Jackson)

"So Bad"

"Keep Under Cover"

"The Other Me"

"Say Say Say"

"Pipes of Peace"



"Mister Man"

"Miss Me Blind"

"Church of the Poison Mind"

"That's the Way (I'm Only Trying to Help You)"

"Changing Every Day"

"Black Money"

"It's a Miracle"

"Karma Chameleon"

"Mr. Frump in the Iron Lung"

"Such a Groovy Guy"

"I'll Be Mellow When I'm Dead"

"Another One Rides the Bus"

"The Check's in the Mail"

"My Bologna"

"Stop Draggin' My Car Around"