"Rock It Out"

Rock It Out (Vinyl, LP, Album) album cover"Rock It Out"
Pia Zadora
Featured on The Steppes
Mike Curb Records (yes, he was still lurking out there)
Originally released 1984
Rock (obvs)
Vinyl (probably original release, because who would reissue this?)

OK, I take full blame for this one.  Forty-nine cents for a long-playing single by the "star" of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians probably seemed reasonable for the camp value some thirty years ago.  And this is the ignominious end to not only one of the most remarkable years in music history, but to my vinyl collection.

What happened to me in 1984, besides meeting my then-future-ex-husband and rediscovering the Beatles?  Well, I started the year very into the music charts (I could tell you exactly how "Say Say Say" was doing week to week) and ended it increasingly indifferent to new music.  In fact, it would not be until '89 that I would take an active interest again, with some notable exceptions.  (Shout out to Graceland!)  When I started this blog, lo, these many centuries, I mean months ago, the plan was to browse records locally and see where serendipity took me.  Well, it's taken me to this never-ending sheltering-in-place musicfest.  I might buy records again someday, but they probably won't go on this blog.  And the funny thing, is we'll see Pia again next year (1985)....
