"50 Ways to Leave Your Lover"

50 Ways to Leave Your Disease | Cystic Fibrosis Lifestyle Foundation"50 Ways to Leave Your Lover"
Paul Simon
Featured on Greatest Hits, Etc.
Song originally released December 1975

I wouldn't swear to it that I heard this song when it was #1 and I was around eight, but it was one of those "adult" things, like Watergate, that filtered down to my Gen-X childhood through later '70s sitcoms.  Listening to it now, I more than ever want to know who the "she" the singer is having the conversation with is supposed to be.  A sympathetic friend who seduces him with a kiss and an offer to "both sleep on it"?  A random stranger he's confided in but who can't count?  The lover he's actually hoping to leave, with a "Piña Colada" twist?  Maybe I'm still not old enough to know.
